International Colored Gemstone Association Elects new Board of Directors

International Colored Gemstone Association Elects new Board of Directors
Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 2, 2015 – The International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) has released the names of its board of directors following the organization’s board’s meeting at the conclusion of the 2015 Congress. ICA President Benjamin Hackman was re-elected for a second two-year term, while the ICA’s two Vice-Presidents are Damien Cody and Santpal Sinchawala.
Newly elected to the board are: Gabriel Angarita from Colombia, Stephan Reif from Austria, Alice Muthama from Kenya, Warren Boyd from Canada, Jeffrey Bilgore from the USA, Suttipong Dramrongsakul from Thailand, Captain Ramji Sharma and Mazaru Mizumura from Japan.
Directors continuing their terms are: Ehud Harel from Israel, Duncan McLauchlan from the UK, Xianjin Yu from China, Bruce Bridges from the USA, Philippe Scordia from France, Nirmal Kumar Bardiya from India, Vijay Kedia from India, Shirley Zhang from Hong Kong, Rakesh Jain from Hong Kong, Marcelo Ribeiro Fernandes from Brazil, Pavel Sokolov from Russia, Gamini Zoysa from Sri Lanka.
Retained to the board as immediate past president is Wilson Yuen from China, and as special advisors are: Jean Claude Michelou, directing ICA communications and Ambassadors, Clement Sabbagh, directing the ICA Congress, and Noburyuki Horiuchi, overseeing implementation of the ICA’s disclosure codes.
Meanwhile, finishing their terms were: Susie Kennedy from Tanzania, Vice President Jean Claude Michelou from Colombia, Phuket Khunaprapakorn from Thailand, Fujio Takada from Japan, and Sushil Goyal from the USA.
The ICA’s Executive Board members are: Benjamin Hackman – President; Damien Cody and Santpal Sinchawala – Vice-Presidents; Philippe Scordia, Gamini Zoysa, and Ehud Harel – Secretaries; Marcelo Ribeiro Fernandes – Treasurer.